Learn more about how CVC makes it possible for students to study while working full-time. If a student is trying to figure out how to work full time while also going to school, taking classes online is a flexible option. Online degree programs and classes typically provide a higher degree of scheduling flexibility, allowing students to carve out study time at times that are convenient for them while they are off from work.
In general, others in your class will have to deal with the same challenges in balancing their work obligations with their part-time studies. While some students would prefer to stay away from working as they pursue higher education, there is a large group of students balancing a job with degree studies. In fact, according to EdTech Magazine, roughly 60% of online students are also employed full-time, with an additional 20% working part-time. That means that 4 out of 5 students who attend an online university are working alongside their studies.
Online degree programs are so attractive to working students, as well as students overall, because they offer the flexibility of working independently and learning the material in a course format that is more comfortable for them. Working students may also have a leg up over those who are purely academic in their approach to earning online degrees. One of the major reasons why online degrees are commonplace today is that individuals are able to get their bachelors degrees while continuing to work.
Online studying while working full-time is the best option for individuals who cannot afford to self-subsidize their way through school. By taking advantage of many online programs, finding appropriate supports, and employing effective time management strategies, working professionals can go back to school–and excel at it. To get more info click here and follow us on social media.